116. Gaurav Modi, Shubham K. Parate, Chaoh Kwon, Andrew C. Meng, Utkarsh Khandelwal, Anudeep Tullibilli, James Horwath, Peter K. Davies, Eric A. Stach, Ju Li, Pavan Nukala and Ritesh Agarwal “Electrically driven long-range solid-state amorphization in ferroic In2Se3.”; Nature [Link].

116. Zhurun Ji , Yuzhou Zhao , Yicong Chen , Ziyan Zhu , Yuhui Wang, Wenjing Liu , Gaurav Modi 1 , Eugene J. Mele , Song Jin and Ritesh Agarwal “Opto-twistronic Hall effect in a three-dimensional spiral lattice.”; Nature [Link]; arXiv [Link]

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115. Utkarsh Khandelwal, Harshvardhan Jog, Shupeng Xu, Yicong Chen, Kejian Qu, Chengxi Zhao, Eugene Mele, Daniel P. Shoemaker, and Ritesh Agarwal “Strong Chirality Suppression in 1-D correlated Weyl Semimetal” (TaSe4)2I”; arXiv[Link]

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114. Gaurav Modi, Andrew C. Meng, Srinivasan Rajagopalan, Rangarajan Thiruvengadam, Peter K. Davies, Eric A. Stach, and Ritesh Agarwal “Controlled Self-Assembly of Nanoscale Superstructures in Phase-Change Ge–Sb–Te Nanowires”; Nano Lett [Link]

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113. Young-Chul Leem, Zhenyao Fang, Yun-Kyung Lee, Na-Yeong Kim, Arvin Kakekhani, Wenjing Liu, Sung-Pyo Cho, Cheolsu Kim, Yuhui Wang, Zhurun Ji, Abhirup Patra, Leeor Kronik, Andrew M. Rappe, Sang-Youp Yim, and Ritesh Agarwal “Optically Triggered Emergent Mesostructures in Monolayer WS2“; Nano Lett [Link]

112. Yuhui Wang, Shupeng Xu, Liang Feng, Ritesh Agarwal “Simple realization of a fragile topological lattice with quasi flat-bands in a microcavity array”; Physical Review B [Link], arXiv [Link]

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